
A collection of projects I have created, maintained or simply was hired for.

Open Source#

Active projects#

Sphinx-Needs created maintained

Brings life cycle management to Sphinx.

Create Requirements, Specifications, Test and cases and more. Link them, add data and present the result in list, tables and flowchart.

Totally configurable and ready for any kind of use case.

Sphinx-Needs github stars Sphinx-Needs downloads daily Sphinx-Needs downloads monthly

Sphinx-Collections created maintained

A package to collect or generate documentation files from different sources and make them avaialbe in the Sphinx source folder.

Nice if you have multiple, shared documentation projects or if want to create different variants of a documentation.

Sphinx-Collections github stars Sphinx-Collections downloads daily Sphinx-Collections downloads monthly

Sphinx-Test-Reports created maintained

Shows Test-Results inside Sphinx based documentation.

It uses Sphinx-Needs to create need objects for each found test case in a junit-based xml file.

Sphinx-Test-Reports github stars Sphinx-Test-Reports downloads daily Sphinx-Test-Reports downloads monthly

Sphinx-Data-Viewer created maintained

A simple data viewer for data of type json or python object, which shows the data in an interactive list-view on HTML pages.

Sphinx-Data-Viewer github stars Sphinx-Data-Viewer downloads daily Sphinx-Data-Viewer downloads monthly

Sphinx-Preview created maintained

A simple data viewer for data of type json or python object, which shows the data in an interactive list-view on HTML pages.

Sphinx-Preview github stars Sphinx-Preview downloads daily Sphinx-Preview downloads monthly

Deprecated projects#

Groundwork created maintained

groundwork is a Python based microframework for highly reusable applications and their components. Its functionality is based on exchangeable, well-documented and well-tested plugins and patterns.

Quite old and unmaintained. But I put some months into it, so it is worth beeing mentioned here :)

Groundwork github stars Groundworks downloads daily Groundwork downloads monthly

Customer internal#

ReleaseNotes Creator created

A script to create a HTML/PDF report of content between two given git tags.

Collects and reports also all related JIRA issues, GitHub PRs and Commits and touched files.

DeltaReport created

Creates a delta report of commit-based content on different, technical unrelated branches.

Compares commits based on content, author and other indicators to identify matching commits.

Report is an interactive but static HTML page.

SyncMonitor created

Compares the planned dates of JIRA issues with the related commits and their “release tags”.

Identifies problems like:

  • Issue was planned for release X but related commits got integrated into release Y.

  • Issue is already closed but there are not integrated commits referencing this issue.

  • Issue is open but release date is in the past.

  • Commit with no linked issues got integrated into a release.

AWS Integration

Integration of several scripts and apps into AWS cloud.

Used and configuread services: EC2, DoucumentDB, DynamoDB, CloudWatch, S3, ApiGateway, Cognito.

Used infrastructure-as-code frameworks:

  • serverless

  • AWS CloudFormation