
This page contains some ideas for (upcoming) projects and blog posts. I wish they were already realized. But as the day has 24 hours only, it will take some time :).

Feel free to contact me, if you have any ideas or want to join the party for a new project.


Sphinx-Data-Viewer [DONE]#


Small Sphinx extension, which allows to present data structures in a tree-like view. Can be based on (MIT License) or other libs.

Data sources: content area (json-string), json file, conf var

Use case: I need to present json-data, which is too big to show it as plain text in sphinx (> 500 lines).


Extension for Sphinx to collect and present metrics from different sources like Google Analytics, Grafana and co. Extendable by “drivers” to support additional sources.

Use case: I want to show some numbers from Google Analytics on my page and have an easy access for everybody on page views.


Programmatically create images via “code” in rst documents. May be based on Pillow.

But maybe it is already possible by directly execute Python code or by nbsphinx to code via Jupyter notebook.

Use case: My blog posts shall always have an image as introduction. Some background plus some text. Should be quite easy to generate by just giving an image url and the final text. Would save some time.


I often have to document rst code and show the result of it. This means I need to duplicate the used code. First time for the code-block, the second time for the rst-file itself, so that it gets executed.

I want to have a “smart” code-block, which automatically create the code-block and the result, so that I only need to maintain one source of code.

It could also use Sphinx-Panels to create automatically 2 tabs: result and code.

Hint: I could also store the code in a separate file and use code-block and include. But this would make documenting code a little bit more annoying, as I have to deal with additonal files.


An extension to automatically document ARXML files and create an API-like document or something based on Sphinx-Needs.

Use case: Get the AUTOSAR architecture into a Sphinx documentation. Requirements and specification objects could be linked to SWCs, Runnables and co.


An extraction of requirements and co. from the official AUTOSAR docs.

Use case: Using Sphinx-Needs to create Autosar requirement objects, which can later be reused and linked by project specific requirement, specifications and test cases.

Not sure if this is possible without being AUTOSAR member.

Blog posts#

Some time ago I planned to write a “Sphinx-Enterprise-Mega-Tutorial” and I started to write down some ideas for chapters. But this all got quite complex and would take months to finalize it. So I started to keep things easy and started this page/blog to provide “snippets” whenever I find some time.

Project infrastructure setup#

Setup first project with Sphinx
Already implement little extensions: Copy Python ,Markdown support, PDF via rinotype
Importable, versioned and clustered config
One base config, which gets imported by team specific configs
Get the toolchain to the users
Docker Dev Environment for Sphinx
VS Code Docker integration
IDE Support for more Productivity
Vs Code wit Sphinx and MyST extension
Custom doc builds and own Makefile
HTML, PDF, linkcheck, typo check, needs build, fast build, parallel build, clean build
CI Build support
Github Actions + Page and Sphinx Build
ReadTheDocs service
Apache with versioned subfolders

Project content setup#

Theme selection and customizations
Own templates

Cookiecutter for default structures

ARC 42 for sw architecture

Meta-Data presentation
Resp. Person, tags
Page / folder specific sidebars (E.g show specific team/module infos)
Automatic meta-data from git
Get last committer, history, changes from commit and add this to each page
Dynamic content
Using Jinja
Using tags

Life cycle management with Sphinx-Needs#

Requirements and co.
Create objects
Present objects
Ex/Import with needs.json
Export table results
external needs
Process specific customizations
Own types and links
Own warnings
Own layout and style
Filtering needs
Simple filter
Filter string
Filter via Python code
Dynamic fields
External data
Own needs.json files
Sphinx-Needs Enterprise
Test reports
Creating dashboards
Combine count-role, needtable and co.

Multi project / builds#

Multi project setup
shared config
Master project for integration
Builds for variations
sphinx-collection tag support
Different config files/part (e.g. other sphinx-needs layouts)

Code language support#

All with extra post about Sphinx-Needs integration

Python docstring

C docstring via Breathe

JS with sphinx-js